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level 2

Spanish Homeschool Curriculum for kids


Up your skills and start taking Spanish outside the home!


A kit that has everything you need to get up your child's language with just 3 lessons a week. Your child will be able to:

  • Do your morning routine in Spanish (read: conquer reflexive verbs!)

  • Talk to and about others, including making new friends and asking if they need help

  • Master conjugating, verbs, listening comprehension, translating, and more!

Learn Spanish with the idea that you're going to use it in real life circumstances, all through our innovative new ways to learn the "hard stuff"!

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Get ready to get ready

Our #1 goal at Homeschool Languages will always be to slowly have the new language replace English in our most commonly repeated activities at home, so that slowly we're creating an immersive environment. Cue: learning the "getting ready" verbs! (There's a certain joy of having your kids understand the commands like "wash your hands!" "get ready" "put on your clothes!!" in yet ANOTHER language... haha!)

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Includes 12 new books

They grow along with you and pick up new words and conjugations when you do! These aren't extra reading. They're now incorporated into the curriculum and lessons (with some lovely follow-up comprehension questions!)

Talk to others

We take away the fear of meeting new people.

It's not about memorizing phrases you will most DEFINITELY encounter each time someone finds out you're learning Spanish, we just sneak in new conjugations and verbs and apply them to real-life circumstances so they're more fun to learn!

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Culture and art

We use beautiful parts of the cultures of Spanish speaking countries to further the understanding of the language. You might ask Dalí where he's from, or learn where to put the pronoun on gerunds from Picasso (after all, he chose whatever side of the face to put ears or noses on, we can choose where to put our pronoun too!)

Verbs without the drills

Be motivated to learn more and more. Each verb has a reason to be memorized; it could be mentioned in the native songs you're learning or it's how you express yourself better to your new friends. Either way- they're not just WORDS ...they're more chances to connect with others.

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As always, GAMES

Oh did we say "matching bean bags"? We meant please practice your reflexive pronouns... but we like the first way better ;) At least that's what our 6 year olds are saying about our innovative new ways to learn the "hard stuff"!

Helping others

Better express how you feel and when/where you're hurt. Learn through games, songs, and role play of helping others!

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You're ready to get to work? We're ready to keep up.

98 lessons- at 3 lessons a week you'll have more than 8-9 months straight of Spanish study ready to go.

...and still, no obligation to be able to write or read in this level. We know you have enough worksheets in your other subjects! Just play and live the language like you did your first!

And that's just the PDF version...

We prioritized making level 2 a beautiful "print-at-home" curriculum.

BUT, the physical set is beautiful and durable, with everything ready to go.


Physical set includes:

-Wooden guess who boards+characters

-Gorgeous hard covered storybook

-Canvas verb chart

(to hold and display what you're learning!)

-Metal pin awards for verbs learned

(they go on the canvas chart to show off!)

-Long lasting protective box (it's magnetic too!)

-Reinforced verb cards to last your year of play

-Dictionary edition curriculum in EACH set (translation/pronunciation in the margins!)

-A conjugation PLAY MAT for our active learners (and on a wooden board for when you're on the go!)


Discounted for maximum flexibility.

Spanish Level 2

Level 2 is in stock and ready to ship.

Physical set only

Most popular.

Digital set only

For instant access.


level 2 FAQ


  • I know the curriculum is geared towards ages 4-10, but how is this for ages 11+?
    Here's what some families have to say about it: "We are currently on lesson 28 with an 8 and 10 year old. My 10 year old loves this curriculum and we will be buying level 2 when it comes out and doing that when she's 11. I can see how it might feel babyish to some kids, but we like the songs on Youtube and I don't use the puppet. We have a stuffed pug dog and use that, but I don't speak to it or have it talk back." "I have teens as well as a three year old [I teach them all with this curriculum]. The teens are definitely not interested in the games and the 'fun' stuff that make this curriculum great, but the language learning itself is solid even for older kids. I do add more for my older kids, but I think the core approach to language works for older kids, too, especially since we are using it as a family. It starts really really simply, but then ramps up, so there will be plenty to work on. I also add on the monthly units." Here's some tips on how one family uses it for their teenager! Our answer: It will depend on your teen and I'll tell you why- we play a lot into the imaginative playfulness (floor is lava!), and the competitive nature (run to THIS card!) that is innate in younger kids, you'll have to decide if your teen will participate! I'm sure you've looked at the first 4 lessons to see the playful nature of the curriculum, they do progressively get harder and more complex in a way the children understand but the teen would absorb more and further make the language his/her own. I'm personally going through this curriculum again with my 5 year old and he's picking up SO much more the second time, something that your teen would get the first time around! One smart mom in our Facebook Group "Homeschool Languages Creative Space" says she has her teen learn by using the curriculum to teach the youngest, and it's working great! Still not sure? Here's a video Ivy from Homeschool On the Range: "Peek inside the German I curriculum from Homeschool Languages! Check out the open-and-go format, the unit booklets, and learn how you can make this elementary program work for your high school student."
  • Is this Brazilian or Portugal Portuguese?
    Brazilian. We've got it on our to-do list to add in Portuguese from Portugal- mostly because those few who have requested it are learning it for family that lives there and that's exactly who we want to help.. those trying to connect with family! We'll let you know when it's out.
  • Is this Spain Spanish? What kind of Spanish is taught?
    The Spanish taught here at Homeschool Languages is NOT "Spain-Spanish", this curriculum teaches a generalized Spanish that covers from Mexico to South America (it includes culture from Spanish-speaking countries all over the world though!).
  • What if I don't speak the language?
    No problem, you’ll be learning it right alongside your student! In fact, none of our trial teachers spoke the language. They said it helped to read the lesson beforehand, listen to the songs alongside the student, and take note of the pronunciation guide in each lesson. It's especially important you learn how to read the language text in this curriculum as you go along (don't worry, it's taught with each lesson in the pronunciation guide, and includes a special pronunciation video associated with each lesson!), because the pronunciation guides at the end of each lesson do not repeat words or phrases already covered in previous lessons. If you do forget, reference the dictionary at the end of the book. You can look things up by the new language word OR the English word, and find the pronunciation there! Some ways to practice and stay ahead of your student are apps like Duolingo and listening to podcasts. Each curriculum has examples of specific podcasts and other resources to help you better learn the language as the teacher.
  • Do you plan to add additional languages?
    Currently we're focused on furthering content with the languages we already have. We'll only create them based on their need, so we appreciate your input. That being said- we have 2 additional languages in the works that will be announced when they're ready- stay on our email list and we'll keep you updated on new releases! If you'd like to request a language, send us a message here!
  • Do you give discounts?
    We do if you're military! Write us and we'll give you our 5% military coupon. Otherwise we're not like other companies who have ongoing sales and promotions flooding your texts and email. We have sales on our newly launched products, and one site-wide sale a year and you won't need a code for it- you can expect it on Black Friday (the last Friday of November and runs till the following Monday). So mark your calendars!
  • What is the difference between the curriculum and the units? Do I need both?
    The curriculum is a full course that introduces you to the language and how it works- so it teaches things like how to put phrases together, how to conjugate, etc. But we can only introduce so much vocabulary in those 40 lessons, there is SO MUCH to talk about! So the units are completely unnecessary for the curriculum, they're simply to add more vocab into your life! I might not even suggest doing the units at the same time as the curriculum. Use them later to solidify what you've learned, or while you're waiting for level 2 to come out. You can choose to download them as you need them- if you see yourself ALWAYS losing things (looking at myself here, haha!) or getting in and out of the car often, then download those specific units! In a fun way, they teach you those phrases you're constantly using and get your kids to use them as well. It's a way to really make the language a "living" language in our homes! will tell you more about the units and if they're the right fit for you.
  • How does this compare to other popular subscriptions?
    Ask our families yourself in our Facebook group! Homeschool Languages Creative Space. Subscriptions like, HolaAmigo boxes, and Onethird Stories have been discussed in a candid way there by families who have tried them both. Feel free to ask your own questions in that group to get some honest feedback! Also, Homeschool Languages is NOT a subscription. Each boxed set includes everything you'll need for the full course.
  • Can I use this in my co-op?
    You'll have to adapt it to teach more that just a few students, but yes! The license for this curriculum is for one teacher and as many (unpaid!) students you have. We're happy you want to share the love of learning with those around you! It's more fun to learn a language when you have people you can speak it to! If using a PDF version, you are welcome to print out additional copies of the flashcards only. If you are looking for further reinforcement outside of your co-op, we'd suggest each family have a copy of the corresponding workbook in your target language. Want to get paid to teach a language in your area? Look out for updates from our Beyond Words program- an exciting open and go curriculum made to help you get paid students and create a FUN group experience... while continuing to maintain that open and go experience for the teacher. See to sign up for updates if it's something you're interested in! In the meantime, you can learn more about Beyond Words here!
  • What are the lessons like?
    Download the first set of lessons for free to see for yourself! Here's a quick review of how HL lessons usually go (there are 40 in the curriculum!): 1. Start with a song! Songs teach vocabulary and phrases and connect you with the culture. Some songs can only be found in that particular language, like "Arroz con Leche" in Spanish! Our youtube videos will teach you the songs, you can learn right along with the student if you'd like. You'll memorize one each unit! 2. Teach the lesson! Blue tells you what to do, and then in black is what you say to the student. In bold are the words in the new language so they're easy to identify! You'll play quick games to further the understanding of concepts (like "where are you going?" as you go to different location cards around the room!), or use culture to help you teach ("how many eyebrows does Frida Kahlo have?" haha!) 3. End with a booklet (also included!). These books give your child confidence in the language, it uses the words they're learning (instead of having to find some at the library and have your child wonder what the heck you're saying!). They're short and sweet, and you're instructed to have your child repeat each line after you so their little mouths can practice forming the new language. (Don't speak the new language yourself? Don't fret, pronunciation is given on each page!) 4. Cool down with a song playlist. We have a few youtube links to get your child hearing more of the new words in fun and different settings.
  • Why is the pronunciation guide so... "gringo?"
    If you're a native speaker looking at the pronunciation guide, it could very well throw you off! It is VERY "gringo". That's because we had to write it in a way an English speaker could "read" the pronunciation, and it's close, but it is definitely not perfect. (Can you imagine us writing out an English way to pronounce French? Haha!). We decided against using the official pronunciation guide that looks like this: /həˈlō,heˈlō/, just because thats an entire language itself that most English speakers don't know how to read. So we note in the book that it is just a reference to remember how it is said and to please refer to a native speaker for the best pronunciation (which varies between countries, too! But most have a native in their family they're learning with or for that they go to!), and if they don't have that ability then we always have the audio version of the pronunciation guide linked to each lesson which is done by a native (booklets too!).
  • What material is covered in level 1?
    Level 1 includes forty lessons split into four units. Each language covers the same material with the exception of the unique cultural studies relevant to that language. Read more about the scope and sequence of level 1 here!
  • Do you plan to produce more than 1 level in the future?
    We LOVE this question! Yes, we plan on coming out with further levels. This is because we create them as our children are growing, we teach and perfect the lessons on them, and the levels grow with them. As of right now, we plan on having the levels progress like this: Level 1. (current level) Around the house: present tense, talking about I, you, we, commands. Level 2. Meeting new people: describing things/others, continuation of present tense, talking about others (see more in our level 2 FAQ!). LEVEL 2 is currently available in Spanish with German, French, and Portuguese following in that order. In the meantime, you can do the extra vocab units to keep practicing and incorporating your new vocabulary around your home and community! Level 3. READING in the new language: Alphabet, weather, dates, seasons, routines, etc, as you learn and practice new letter sounds each day. You'll continue with translation and conversation practice and understanding what you hear! Level 4. Past tense and telling stories. Will include future tense only as a review of "I'm going to/you're going to/etc, not as "I will." All with consistent review :) The pricing varies between level, necessary components, and length of the curriculum.
  • How far does content go in Level 2 compared to Level 1?
    Level 2 is a continuation of level 1- it starts where level 1 leaves off! Level 1 discusses language used in the home (that way you can start practicing it in your day-to-day life right away!). Level 2 talks about other people and begins to describe them (and yourself, so we're starting to get to know other people!), it talks about getting ready (reflexive verbs are introduced in a fun way!), and then using those same pronouns we'll be able to dive deeper into the verbs like "me gusta" and "me duele," so we'll talk about the things we like and also discuss when we are hurt and how to get the help me need (think doctor and taking care of "owies"!). See more here! Between level 1 and 2 we'll cover most of our bases in Spanish sentence structure so you're then able to add in your own verbs and vocabulary as you learn them. Our goal is to give the students a foundation they can springboard off of! Level 3 will continue, and will teach how to speak in past tense and tell stories. But before we jump into level 3 though, we'll have a special course to help students learn how to read in the new language (now that they recognize a lot of the words they're learning!), and we'll have them reading and writing in the new language. It's the perfect time to introduce the alphabet, calendar, weather, etc, as it'll be set up as a daily morning ritual type course.
  • Is this a secular or non-secular (religiously affiliated) curriculum?
    We work with a lot of charter schools who have the requirement that the curriculum they purchase must be secular. So all of our content IS secular and charterschool approved! However, since we focus on changing the habits in our home into the new language to slowly become a bilingual home, we foresee non-denominational, non-secular material being offered in the future. We promise you won't ever be surprised by it. It will be labeled as a religious unit so it will not be confused with our secular material, (and we'll let you know the specifics taught inside!) and therefore will not be approved for charter school funds. You're free to ask us these questions anytime!
  • What if my child is familiar with the language?
    We are geared towards kids that have minimal experience with the language. You can see the full list of what is taught by looking at this page (about half way down!): You'll notice that the first lessons really ease you into it (see our free lessons!!), as it's meant for students without any experience with the new language. Our users say that it "ramps up" after that so that by the end of the 40 lessons you're using the language in your home in simple conversations. SOME users breeze through it and ready for level 2 really soon! Some are still working on level 1, even going through it a second time to solidify what is taught, it will all depend on your student's focus drive to learn the language, and natural ability to pick up a new language. We suggest you keep it light-hearted and FUN, and believe that you'll learn more when you enjoy it. If your student already speaks the language in your home with you, we suggest you try something like Llamitas Spanish or Hola Amigo box, where you're learning about the world around you in Spanish instead of learning just conversational Spanish like you do in Homeschool Languages. If you have any more questions we'd LOVE to hear them, feel free to reach out!!
  • Do you ship internationally?
    Not at this time. We offer PDF versions of each of our products though that are a great alternative!
  • How do I report a typo or error in the curriculum?
    Although we do our best to look out for errors and typos, sometimes they happen. We apologize for any errors in the first place, but we are so grateful for you taking note of what we can change for our next print. You can submit typos and errors below at our errata sheet below. Homeschool Languages Text Errata Sheet
  • What does level 2 teach?
    Level 2 is a continuation of level 1- we focus on conjugation and talking to and about others now! Here is the list of most of the things your student will master in the 98 lessons of level 2 Spanish: UNIT 1: I can conjugate in the present tense I can say a few body parts I can count to 29 I know Spanish pronouns I can identify people by what they're wearing or their hair color I can go into the correct bathroom if labeled in Spanish I can sing a Spanish nursery rhyme and know what it means I can answer commonly asked questions from new friends: -who are you -what grade are you in -how old are you -do you speak Spanish -what are you like -where are you from UNIT 2: I can tell you my phone number. I can answer the phone. I can use reflexive verbs. I can answer and ask what your name is. I can count to 100. I can understand morning routine commands. I am beginning to translate sentences. I can name more body parts. UNIT 3: I can tell you what my likes/dislikes are I can tell you more about me and my family I can tell you my hobbies I can form longer sentences I can begin and keep up conversations I can tell you when I'm hurt I can say "bless you" when someone sneezes I can count past 100
  • What age is level 2 for?
    It was made with 6-11 year olds in mind that have completed level 1. The Spanish Level 2 curriculum is the continuation of Homeschool Languages Spanish Level 1. It is taught sequentially, and unless you and your student are familiar with the concepts in level 1 please do not skip it. ( will tell you exactly the skills learned in level 1!) If it's been awhile since you've completed level 1, we suggest that you either: 1. Go through the level 1 workbook 2. Repeat level 1 quickly (maybe 5 lessons a week instead of 2), and/or 3. Spend a few days reading and re-reading the books included in the first level. You do not have to have mastered everything before beginning this course, but the student should not be surprised by any elements presented in Level 1 because they all show up in Level 2.
  • I like to use the curriculum on my iPad. Will the PDF version work on a screen?
    Yes! We made sure that all the links were clickable and that there's a special booklet formulated for screens instead of printing. Thinking of YOU! You'll still have to print the manipulatives though, 20-30 pages).
  • There's an optional workbook for level 1. Will there be one for level 2?
    We hope so! It won't be out anytime soon. We love the extra practice and deeper review it gives though, so we'll be working on it!
  • How many pages do I need to print if I get the PDF version?
    Curriculum: 252 pages. Printables (Game boards and cards, preferably cardstock and laminated): 38 pages. Booklets: 24 pages. SOY YO book (printed on half pages): 24 half pages/12 full pages. Dictionary booklet (optional if you need translation by lesson, printed on half pages): 88 half pages/44 full pages. All pages are colored (except inside dictionary booklet).
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