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📌 Please Note: Some product photos show text in Spanish, but the curriculum will include the German version for families learning German. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!


Extra options


**MAT AND CHART (Included): The curriculum refers to the mat (a large playmat used for conjugating), but it also includes a smaller version on a wooden board. It also includes a large canvas chart to display the verbs you're learning for quick review and to display the verb pins you've earned. We'll assume you want the mat and chart because it's the way the curriculum is designed, but you have the option to omit these products if you know you won't use them because of space or other reasons. You'll receive a $10 discount if you choose to omit them.


EXTRA ICH BIN ICH ($5 each): The set already includes 2. We suggest that you have one per student since they are highly personalized throughout the curriculum (and hopefully one for the teacher but not necessary!). If you have the PDF version as well you can print as many as you need for your family or unpaid co-op.


EXTRA PINS ($8 each set): 1 set is included and sufficient. If you have competing students that want their own set of pins to mark what they've passed off individually you're welcome to purchase more sets separately.



This award winning, play-based curriculum includes everything you need to dive into your new target language all delivered right to your front door!  Truly open and go, the course book lays out the lesson goals, materials needed, and scripted dialog for your lessons! 


Flashcards, game boards, and menu cards are printed on high quality materials ready and durable to love for years to come! 


In this level there are 98 lesssons that give your 6-11 year old a fun but thorough education of German! You'll be learning how to talk to and describe others, express better what you like and how you feel, go through your morning routine in German. As always, it includes lots of cultural songs and experiences that further your German communication along the way!


Physical set will include:

-Dictionary edition of curriculum textbook

-Wooden guess who boards+characters

-Gorgeous hardcovered storybook

-Canvas verb chart

(to hold and display what you're learning!)

-Metal pin awards for verbs learned 

(they go on the canvas chart to show off!)

-Long lasting protective box (it's magnetic too!)

-Reinforced verb cards to last your year of play

-Dictionary edition curriculum in EACH set (translation/pronunciation in the margins!)

-An actual conjugation PLAY MAT for our active learners (and a wooden board for when you're on the go!)


You'll be amazed at how much your child can learn when you make it light-hearted and fun.

German Level 2 Physical Set (PREORDER)





    "...this curriculum really shines in how playful it is and how sneakily it teaches grammar.....if your little loves imaginative play - this is a lovely curriculum."

    -Valerie B.

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    "I can't believe 

    how well and how much we’ve learned in just the first unit alone."

    We are loving French so so much! I can’t believe how well and how much we’ve learned in just the first unit alone.

    And it progresses at a good rate. I know I’m apprehensive about starting something and then it gets too hard and then we quit. But this has been so wonderful and just challenging enough for us!

    So thank you for this wonderful resource!

    -Kara S.

    History to landmarks, traditions to sports:

    it goes beyond just words.

    Culture is carefully woven throughout the curriculum to

    enhance the magic of the language!

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    Have a student who

    doesn't read yet?

    We thought of that, too.

    The curriculum was made with non-readers in mind. 

    No worksheets, no matching words, just PLAY.

    what families
    are saying:

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    "Finally feeling like we're starting our family's bilingual journey. I'm so grateful"

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    "I am BLOWN AWAY at how much more French my kids know now"

    "I can't believe how much we have both learned already."

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    "...this curriculum really shines in how playful it is and how sneakily it teaches grammar." Valerie B.

    "She would always tell me 'no' to speaking Spanish with me... [now she's] talking to me so much more than ever before."

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    "Oh my goodness! They're speaking Spanish now!"

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    "It is a total game changer!"

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    "...Seeing it in person and using it I'm actually more impressed."

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    "We've tried multiple curriculums and this is the first one they are truly excited about"

    review 8_22_24.jpg

    ​"It's really exactly what I was looking for... open and go but with so much encouragement to actually use the language."

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    for free!

    Download the first few lessons, books, cards, and materials on us.

    You'll be amazed at how quickly language fills your home in just a few lessons!


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